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Organizations Located In Oakland

... that are listed in A San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory.
Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project
Active Voice Lab
Adams ESQ (Oakland office)
Alameda County Community Food Bank
Alliance for Girls
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (Oakland office)
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, District Council 57
American Friends Service Committee (Oakland office)
AnewAmerica Community Corporation
Asian Health Services
Asian Immigrant Women Advocates
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
Aspire Education Project
Asylum Access
Bay Area Community Services
Bay Area Girls Rock Camp
Bay Area Legal Aid
Bay Area Wilderness Training
Bay Area Women Against Rape
BAY-Peace: Better Alternatives for Youth
Bike East Bay
Build It Green
California Coalition for Women Prisoners
California Environmental Justice Alliance
California Environmental Voters
California Interfaith Power & Light
California Labor Federation (Bay Area office)
California Prison Focus
California Walks
Californians for Justice (Oakland office)
Causa Justa :: Just Cause
Center for ArtEsteem
Center for Biological Diversity, SF Bay Area Office
Center for Elders' Independence
Center for Empowering Refugees and Immigrants
Center for Environmental Health
Center for Story-based Strategy
Center for Third World Organizing
Centro Legal de la Raza
ChangeLab Solutions
Charlotte Maxwell Clinic, The
Chiapas Support Committee
City of Refuge United Church of Christ
City Slicker Farms
Civicorps Schools
Clean Water Action (California office)
Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice
Community Works
Courage to Resist
Covenant House California
Crisis Support Services of Alameda County
Critical Resistance
Crucible, The
Cycles of Change
Design Action Collective
Destiny Arts
EarthLight: Journal for Ecological and Spiritual Living
East Bay Agency for Children
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy
East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation
East Bay Bicycle Coalition
East Bay Community Space
East Bay Housing Organizations
East Oakland Collective
East Point Peace Academy
Ecocity Builders
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Environmental Law Foundation
Equal Justice Society
Fair Trade USA
Family Support Services of the Bay Area
Family Violence Law Center
Filipino Advocates for Justice
First Amendment Project
Food First / Institute for Food and Development Policy
Fossil Free California
Fred Finch Youth Center
Green Aid: The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.
Greenlining Institute
GRID Alternatives
Habitat for Humanity East Bay / Silicon Valley
Harvey Milk Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Democratic Club
Health Access California (Oakland office)
Holy Land Olive Oil
HOPE Collaborative
Housing Consortium of the East Bay
ICA Fund Good Jobs
Insight Center for Community Economic Development
Institute for Public Accuracy
Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity
International Rivers
Intertribal Friendship House
Justice Reinvestment Coalition of Alameda County
Keep Oakland Housed
Kitazawa Seed Company
Lao Family Community Development, Inc.
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
Local Clean Energy Alliance of the East Bay
Making Contact
Mandela Foods Cooperative
Mandela Partners
Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center
Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
National Center for Science Education
National Center for Youth Law
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Native American Health Center
Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives
Next Generation, The
Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library
Not In Our Town
Nourish California
Oakland Climate Action Coalition
Oakland Institute
Oakland Kids First
Oakland Rising
Oakland Tenants Union
Omni Commons
Operation Dignity
Pacific Institute
Peace and Freedom Party, Alameda County
PFLAG Oakland/East Bay
Phat Beets Produce
PLACE for Sustainable Living
Planting Justice
POOR News Network
PowerSwitch Action
Prescott-Joseph Center for Community Enhancement, Inc.
Prison Activist Resource Center
Progressive Asset Management
Project Open Hand (Alameda County)
Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation
Rising Sun Energy Center
Rock the Bike
Roots Community Health Center
Roots of Change
Rose Foundation
Ruckus Society, The
Save Nubia Project
Save the Bay
SEEDS Community Resolution Center
Seneca Family of Agencies
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Alameda District Council
Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
Speak Out - Institute for Democratic Education and Culture
Sudo Room
Sustainable Economies Law Center
Tech Exchange
Terner Center for Housing Innovation
The Utility Reform Network
Tibet Justice Center
U.S. Right to Know
United for Peace and Justice
Unity Council, The
Urban Habitat
Urban Village Farmers' Market Association
Vote Solar
Walk Oakland Bike Oakland
West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
Western Center on Law and Poverty (Oakland office)
Western States Legal Foundation
Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases
Women's Economic Agenda Project
Women’s Centers International / Oakland Women's Center
Worksafe, Inc.
World Trust
Youth Alive!
Youth Together
Youth Vs. Apocalypse
YR Media

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