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American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, District Council 57 (AFSCME Council 57)

Address   80 Swan Way, Suite 110
          Oakland, CA  94621
Voice     (510) 577-9694

Comprised of 26 local unions representing 35,000 members throughout Northern California and the Central Valley. Established in 1963, the Council was formed as a progressive, member-driven labor organization dedicated to empowering and securing dignity and respect for all workers. We work together to improve wages, benefits and working conditions through organizing, collective bargaining and political action. We represent workers in schools and community colleges, transit agencies, public works and services, clinics and hospitals, and water and wastewater facilities. Our members are also the health and social service professionals in corrections facilities across California.

Index Keys
labor union locals       municipal government

This entry's contact information was last verified in August of 2023.

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