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Women's Economic Agenda Project (WEAP)

Address   160 Franklin Street
          Oakland, CA  94607
Voice     (510) 986-8620

Demands economic human rights for poor women and their families. WEAP envisions a world in which all women and their families have the skills, healthcare, shelter, and nourishment they need to enjoy happy, healthy, and productive lives. WEAP implements this vision by building the leadership of low-income women through education, training, and advocacy. WEAP recognizes that the policies that affect the poorest of our sisters affect all people. WEAP works to change societal and governmental policies that relegate women to the bottom of the economic pyramid by raising the role and visibility of poor and working people in crafting real solutions to the economic and social injustices of our time.

Index Keys
classes / courses       economics       healthcare access       human rights       leadership development       libraries       low-income       policy       poverty       speakers       technical assistance       women

This entry's contact information was last verified in December of 2023.

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