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Center for Third World Organizing (CTWO)

Address   1714 Franklin Street
          Oakland, CA  94612

Mission is to help build and sustain a thriving racial justice movement led by communities of color.

CTWO is a racial justice organization dedicated to building a social justice movement led by people of color. For nearly 40 years, CTWO has been at the forefront of training leaders of color to engage in social justice movements that are demanding and creating change for communities that sit at the margins. CTWO is a training organization, resource center, and an institutional pillar of community organizing in communities of color. At our core, we seek to make people fall in love with the movement and show up in the work with deep rigor and joy.

Index Keys
classes / courses       consultants       direct action       low-income       networking       people of color

This entry's contact information was last verified in July of 2024.

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