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Active Voice Lab

Address   1000 Broadway, Suite #480
          Oakland, CA  94607
Voice     (415) 487-2000

A nonprofit network of seasoned strategists, led by Ellen Schneider. We help funders, advocates, media makers, and other leaders skillfully and collaboratively use story to advance social change. Based in San Francisco, we work with allies in the U.S. and beyond. Financial support comes from foundation grants, fee-for-service/consulting, and private donations.

Active Voice Lab grew out of Active Voice, a leader in developing effective, story-fueled impact campaigns to spur progressive action. We’re now focused on big picture strategies and initiatives (see The Future of Public), so if you’re in search of an impact producer, please visit the Fledgling Fund or, if your project is funded, contact us for a referral.

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art       classes / courses       film / video       Internet       media       research       television

This entry's contact information was last verified in August of 2022.

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