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East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO)

Address   538 9th Street, Suite 200
          Oakland, CA  94607
Voice     (510) 663-3830

Brings together community members, public officials, nonprofit housing developers, residents, service providers, planners, professionals, and advocates. Collectively, we’re building a movement to ensure everyone has a safe, healthy, and affordable place to call home.

Since 1984, East Bay Housing Organizations has been the leading affordable housing advocacy coalition serving Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. EBHO is a member-driven organization working to preserve, protect, and create affordable housing opportunities for low-income communities in the East Bay by educating, advocating, organizing, and building coalitions.

Index Keys
coalitions       economic justice       housing       low-income       policy       racism

This entry's contact information was last verified in January of 2025.

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