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Crucible, The

Address   1260 7th Street
          Oakland, CA  94607
Voice     (510) 444-0919

A nonprofit organization and art school dedicated to making the fine and industrial arts accessible for all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Our work is centered in Oakland and the East Bay, where we provide high-quality, fun classes and workshops to thousands of people each year.

Our staff, students, and faculty share what makes The Crucible in West Oakland different from other art schools. With eighteen departments, including welding, blacksmithing, glass flameworking, ceramics, and more, there is a class and medium for every interest and level of experience.

We also offer free programming, scholarships, and paid leadership opportunities for youth and adults who live locally and otherwise could not participate.

Index Keys
art       children       classes / courses       community-building       creativity       seniors

This entry's contact information was last verified in December of 2024.

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