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Unity Council, The (The Spanish Speaking Unity Council)

Address   1900 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite 2A
          Oakland, CA  94601
Voice     (510) 535-6900
Fax       (510) 534-7771

A non-profit Social Equity Development Corporation with over 50 years of history in the Fruitvale neighborhood of Oakland. Our mission is to promote social equity and improve quality of life by building vibrant communities where everyone can work, learn, and thrive.

Our programs aim to provide the community with the tools, knowledge, and resources to transform their lives and ultimately achieve their long-term educational, career, and financial goals. These holistic programs and services reach more than 8,000 individuals and families annually in five languages. Programs include: early childhood education, youth mentorship and leadership development, employment services, career readiness training, housing and financial stability, senior citizen services, affordable housing and neighborhood development, and arts and cultural events.

Index Keys
community-building       development       neighborhoods       services       unity

This entry's contact information was last verified in December of 2023.

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