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Rock the Bike

Address   6323 San Pablo Avenue
          Oakland, CA  94608
Voice     (510) 338-3326
          (888) 354-2453 (toll-free)
Fax       (510) 735-9838

We’re bike people. We’re inventors and advocates working away in a sweet workshop in Oakland, California, pushing the limits of bike culture. Our mission is to get people in touch with their ability to make a real, lasting impact in the ongoing climate crisis, through Pedal Powered event activities and products that help Bike People shine in their communities.

We want lots more people to think “Pedaling is cool. I want to ride a bike.”

Our dream is to help spread the spirit of the bike into the broader culture by organizing, entertaining, inspiring, educating, and inventing new ways to get the message out there. And more importantly, we help our customers spread the message in their communities.

We continue to foster a thread of idealism in our work.

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appropriate technology       cycling       products       renewable energy

This entry's contact information was last verified in July of 2023.

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