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Chiapas Support Committee (CSC)

Address   PO Box 3421
          Oakland, CA  94609

A grassroots collective based in Oakland, California. The CSC serves as a center for education and information about Chiapas, the Zapatista communities and Mexico.

We have worked with Indigenous Zapatista communities since 1998 to support and accompany their process of constructing autonomous (self-governing) institutions such as health care, education and economic production.

We are a member collective of the Omni Commons, a collective of collectives that share work space and steward event space for community use. We organize forums and other events and activities to share and discuss ideas, analyses and human rights issues related to the Zapatista communities, Mexico and the U.S.

Index Keys
indigenous people       material aid       Mexico       Zapatistas

This entry's contact information was last verified in June of 2022.

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