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Organizations Located In San Francisco

... that are listed in A San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory.

ABADA-Capoeira San Francisco Brazilian Arts Center
Access Institute for Psychological Services
Action For Nature
African Advocacy Network
African American Art and Culture Complex
AIDS Legal Referral Panel
American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California
AND Architecture + Community Planning
Arab Cultural and Community Center
Artists' Television Access
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus
Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach
Asian Women's Shelter
Aspect Foundation
BAVC Media
Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors
Bay Area Friends of Tibet
Bay Area Reporter
Bay Rising
BayEcotarium, The
Bayview Hunter's Point Center for Arts & Technology
Beyond Chron
Bike Kitchen, The
Bolerium Books
Breast Cancer Action
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
Building REsources
California Institute of Integral Studies
California Newsreel
Calle 24 Latino Cultural District
Catalyst Project
Center for Food Safety (West Coast Office)
Center for Political Education
Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture
Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice
Central City S.R.O. Collaborative
Chinese for Affirmative Action
City Lights Bookstore
ClimateMusic Project
Clinic by the Bay
Coalition on Homelessness, San Francisco
Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth
Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines, San Francisco
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
Commons San Francisco, The
Community Boards
Community United Against Violence
Community Vision
Community Youth Center
Compass Family Services
CompassPoint Nonprofit Services
Congregation Sha'ar Zahav
Consumer Action
Coral Reef Alliance, The
Council of Community Housing Organizations
Creativity Explored
Crissy Field Center
Cultural Heritage Imaging
Democracy at Work Institute
Democratic Socialists of America, San Francisco chapter
EarthShare California (Northern California office)
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Episcopal Community Services
Eviction Defense Collaborative
Exhale Pro-Voice
Family Connections Centers
Felton Institute
Fenton Communications (San Francisco office)
First Congregational Church of San Francisco
Food Pantry, The
Freedom Socialist Party
Friends of the Urban Forest
Garden for the Environment
Gaylesta: The Psychotherapist Association for Gender and Sexual Diversity
Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
Girls on the Run of the Bay Area
GLBT Historical Society
Global Energy Monitor
Global Exchange
Global Fund for Women, The
Go Vegan! Radio
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
Good Shepherd Gracenter
Green City Project
Green Party, San Francisco
Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice
Greenbelt Alliance
Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco
Hamilton Families
HandsOn Bay Area
Hire-Ability, Inc.
Horizons Foundation
Hospitality House
Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco
Immigration Institute of the Bay Area
Independent Arts & Media
Independent Television Service
Instituto Laboral de La Raza
International ANSWER Coalition (San Francisco chapter)
International Indian Treaty Council
Intersection for the Arts
Jewish Community Relations Council
Juma Ventures
Koret Family House
KQED, Inc.
La Casa de las Madres
La Cocina
Labor Archives and Research Center
Labor Video Project
Lavender Phoenix
Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area
League of Women Voters of San Francisco
Learning for Action
Legal Aid Society - Employment Law Center
Liberation Institute, The
Literacy for Environmental Justice
Lyon-Martin Health Services
Media Alliance
Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco
Mission Bay Community Church
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
Mission Economic Development Association
Mother Jones
Mujeres Unidas y Activas (San Francisco office)
Museum of the African Diaspora
National AIDS Memorial
National Center for Lesbian Rights
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, California Chapter
Nature in the City
New Door Ventures
Ninth Street Independent Film Center
Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California
North Beach Citizens
Older Women's League
Our City
Our Family Coalition
Pachamama Alliance
Pacific Environment
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
People Organized to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights
Pets Are Wonderful Support
Planet Drum Foundation
Plant Based Foods Association
Ploughshares Fund
Precita Eyes Mural Arts & Visitors Center
Presidio Graduate School
Prison Radio
Project Open Hand (San Francisco)
Project Read
Public Advocates, Inc.
Queer Cultural Center
Rafiki Coalition for Health and Wellness
Rainforest Action Network
Raphael House
Rebuilding Together San Francisco
Refugee & Immigrant Transitions
Rocket Dog Rescue
Saint Anthony Foundation
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition
San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association
San Francisco Bay View
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
San Francisco Community Health Center
San Francisco Community Land Trust
San Francisco Conservation Corps
San Francisco Environment Department
San Francisco Estuary Partnership
San Francisco Forest Alliance
San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network
San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center
San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration Committee
San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band
San Francisco Living Wage Coalition
San Francisco Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
San Francisco Mime Troupe
San Francisco Parks Alliance
San Francisco SPCA
San Francisco Tenants Union
San Francisco Tomorrow
San Francisco Vegan Society
San Francisco Women Against Rape
San Francisco-Marin Food Bank
Sex Worker's Education Network
SF Urban Riders
Shanti Project
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc., The
Socialist Viewpoint
South of Market Community Action Network
Southern Exposure (San Francisco office)
Support for Families of Children with Disabilities
Survival International USA
Survivors International
Swords to Plowshares
Tenants Together
Tenderloin Housing Clinic
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation
Thousand Currents
Trabajadores Unidos Workers United
Trust for Public Land (San Francisco office)
UNITE HERE (Western Regional Office)
Urban Sprouts
Veterans Speakers Alliance
Video Project
Walk San Francisco
Welcome Ministry
WildAid (San Francisco Office)
Wildlife Conservation Network
Women Organized to Make Abuse Nonexistent, Inc.
Women's Centers, Inc. / Women's Building, San Francisco
World Savvy
Young Women's Freedom Center
Youth Leadership Institute

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