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Young Women's Freedom Center (YWFC)

Address   832 Folsom Street, Suite 700
          San Francisco, CA  94107
Voice     (415) 703-8800

Mission is to provide fiscal sponsorship, operational support, coaching, and training to projects that center systems-impacted women, girls, and trans people of all genders with the primary purpose to inspire and empower young women who have been involved in the juvenile justice system, criminal justice system, and/or the underground street economy to create a positive change in their lives and communities.

We meet young people where they’re at: on the streets, in jails and detention centers, and in the neighborhoods and communities where we live.

Together, we build our personal and collective power, heal from trauma, advocate on behalf of ourselves and each other, and gain access to education and work to transform the conditions, systems, and policies that lead to intergenerational cycles of violence, incarceration, and poverty.

Index Keys
incarceration       poverty       violence       women       youth

This entry's contact information was last verified in December of 2023.

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