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Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice

Address   466 Geary Street, Suite 300
          San Francisco, CA  94102
Voice     (415) 447-3904
Fax       (415) 447-3905

We are a multiracial grassroots organization founded by, led by, and working with low-income and working-class urban, rural, and indigenous communities to fight for environmental, social, racial, economic, and climate justice and build a clean, healthy, and just future for all.

We believe we can achieve environmental and social justice by working with frontline communities and building a strong grassroots movement to create real solutions that ensure our human right to a healthy and livable environment with justice for generations to come.

Index Keys
community-building       direct action       education       environmental justice       pollution       prevention       public health       toxics

This entry's contact information was last verified in September of 2023.

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