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Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth

Address   459 Vienna Street
          San Francisco, CA  94112
Voice     (415) 239-0161

A member-led, multi-racial, intergenerational community organization building the leadership and power of Black and Brown children, youth, community college students, and families in San Francisco to advance racial and economic justice in our schools and our city. Through grassroots organizing, budget and policy advocacy, and voter engagement, we are building a city of hope, justice, and opportunity, a San Francisco where all children and families have access to high-quality education, living wage jobs, family-supporting benefits, affordable housing, and a voice in the decisions that affect us.

Index Keys
children       employment       family       housing       juvenile justice       living wage       municipal government       newsletters       policy       public education       watchdog groups       welfare       youth

This entry's contact information was last verified in December of 2024.

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