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BAVC Media (Bay Area Video Coalition)

Address   145 Ninth Street, Suite 101
          San Francisco, CA  94103
Voice     (415) 861-3282

A community hub and resource for media makers in the Bay Area and across the country, serving several thousand freelancers, filmmakers, job-seekers, activists, and artists every year.

BAVC Media provides access to media making technology, storytelling workshops, a diverse and engaged community of makers and producers, services and resources.

BAVC Media advocates for those whose stories aren’t being told, and provides the resources for anyone to create and share, and amplify their stories and those of their communities. BAVC Media’s diverse, innovative programs lead the field in media training for youth and educators, technology and multimedia focused workforce development, visually-driven new media storytelling and audio-visual preservation.

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art       coalitions       film / video       media       technical assistance

This entry's contact information was last verified in December of 2022.

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