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Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center (LYRIC)

Address   127 Collingwood Street (one block west of Castro between 18th & 19th Streets)
          San Francisco, CA  94114
Voice     (415) 703-6150 x100
Fax       (415) 703-6153

Mission is to build community and inspire positive social change through education enhancement, career trainings, health promotion, and leadership development with LGBTQQ youth, their families, and allies of all races, classes, genders, and abilities.

LYRIC envisions a diverse society where LGBTQQ youth are embraced for who they are and encouraged to be who they want to be. By working towards social justice and supporting young leaders, their families and allies, LYRIC is building a world that honors, respects and appreciates LGBTQQ youth and their contributions.

Index Keys
employment       leadership development       sexual minorities       support groups       youth

This entry's contact information was last verified in October of 2023.

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