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AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP)

Address   1663 Mission Street, Suite 720
          San Francisco, CA  94103
Voice     (415) 701-1100 (client line)
          (415) 701-1200 (office line)
Fax       (415) 701-1400

Our mission is to advance and protect the rights, dignity, and health of people living with HIV/AIDS in the Bay Area. We accomplish this through direct legal representation by one of our Staff attorneys, by careful placement of clients with one of our 500 Volunteer Panel attorneys, and by connecting our clients to non-legal service providers to secure other vital resources.

Every year, we help hundreds of clients stay in their homes, gain access to healthcare, become legal citizens, improve their finances, and connect to other community services.

Index Keys
AIDS / HIV       classes / courses       housing       law       lawyers       legal services       services       volunteer matching

This entry's contact information was last verified in September of 2024.

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