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See also       agroecology       ecology       hemp       interconnectedness       limits to economic growth       local economy       organic agriculture       peak oil       permaculture       population control       prevention       recycling       renewable energy       reuse       self-sufficiency       simple living       solar energy

Acterra: Action for a Sustainable Earth (Palo Alto)
American Farmland Trust
Association for India's Development
Bank Information Center
Bay Area Green Tours
Berkeley Student Food Collective (Berkeley)
Build It Green (Oakland)
Bullfrog Films
California Climate and Agriculture Network (Sebastopol)
California Institute for Rural Studies
Californians for Pesticide Reform
Center for Creative Land Recyling
Center for Ecoliteracy (Berkeley)
Center for International Environmental Law
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Center for Sustainable Economy
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture (San Francisco)
Chelsea Green Publishing
Citizens for Balanced Growth (Livermore)
City Slicker Farms (Oakland)
Communities for a Better Environment (Richmond)
Community Alliance with Family Farmers
Community Vision (San Francisco)
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Crissy Field Center (San Francisco)
Cycles of Change (Oakland)
Daily Acts (Petaluma)
David Brower Center (Berkeley)
Earth Island Institute (Berkeley)
Ecocity Builders (Oakland)
Ecological Building Network (San Rafael)
Ecology Center (Berkeley)
Edible East Bay (Berkeley)
Emerald Earth (Boonville)
Factory Farming Awareness Coalition (Berkeley)
FEED Sonoma (Petaluma)
First Community Housing
Food & Water Watch
Garden for the Environment (San Francisco)
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (Berkeley)
Grassroots Economic Organizing
Green City Project (San Francisco)
Green Planet Films, Inc.
GRID Alternatives (Oakland)
GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth
Heinberg, Richard
Hidden Villa (Los Altos Hills)
HOPE Collaborative (Oakland)
Idle No More SF Bay
In Search of Good Food
Indigenous Environmental Network
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
Institute of Urban Homesteading
International Bicycle Fund
International Food Policy Research Institute
Land Stewardship Project
Mandela Partners (Oakland)
Marin City Community Development Corporation (Marin City)
Metaphor Project, The (Orinda)
Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture (Berkeley)
National Black Food and Justice Alliance
New Field Foundation
New Society Publishers
Northern California Land Trust (Berkeley)
Northern California Recycling Association
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center (Occidental)
OHIAS (San Rafael)
Organic Consumers Association
Pachamama Alliance (San Francisco)
Pacific Institute (Oakland)
Permaculture Action Network
Petaluma Bounty (Petaluma)
PLACE for Sustainable Living (Oakland)
Planet Drum Foundation (San Francisco)
Planting Justice (Oakland)
Point of View Productions
Population Connection
Post Carbon Institute
Presidio Graduate School (San Francisco)
Raucous Rooster, The
Recycle for Change (Richmond)
Resource Renewal Institute (Fairfax)
Roots of Change (Oakland)
San Francisco Permaculture Guild
Seed the Commons
Self-Sustaining Communities
Seva Foundation (Berkeley)
Social Justice Center of Marin (San Anselmo)
Sonoma Ecology Center (Eldridge)
South Bay Progressive Alliance (San Jose)
Story of Stuff, The (Berkeley)
Student Environmental Resource Center (Berkeley)
Sudo Room (Oakland)
Sustainable Agriculture Education (Berkeley)
Sustainable City
Sustainable Economies Law Center (Oakland)
Sustainable San Mateo County (San Mateo)
Tech Exchange (Oakland)
Thousand Currents (San Francisco)
TransForm (Oakland)
Transition Berkeley
Transition Earth (San Pablo)
Trees For The Future
UC Gill Tract Community Farm
Union of Concerned Scientists
Urban Ecology, Inc.
Urban Permaculture Guild
Urban Tilth (Richmond)
Village Harvest (San Jose)
Walk Bike Berkeley
Walk San Francisco (San Francisco)
Women’s Centers International / Oakland Women's Center (Oakland)
World BEYOND War
World Trust (Oakland)
Youth Vs. Apocalypse (Oakland)

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