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Daily Acts

Address   PO Box 293
          Petaluma, CA  94953
Voice     (707) 789-9664

We are a holistic education nonprofit that takes a heart-centered approach to inspiring transformative actions that create connected, equitable, and climate resilient communities. We believe in the power of our daily actions to reconnect people to self, community, and place, which helps to heal our society and planet.

To survive climate change, we must focus on the solutions that help reduce it as well as adapt to changes that are already happening.

Daily Acts connects people and builds community through education, action, and policy change that address the climate crisis to create a livable future for all.

Index Keys
classes / courses       community-building       conservation       education       local food       permaculture       self-reliance       Sonoma County       sustainability

This entry's contact information was last verified in September of 2023.

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