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Organizations Located In Berkeley

... that are listed in A San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory.

1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations
A1 Sun, Inc.
Agua Para la Vida
American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation
As You Sow
Ashkenaz Music and Dance Community Center
Automobile Moratorium
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters Forest
Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program
Bay Area Seed Interchange Library
Bay Nature Institute
Berkeley Animal Rights Center
Berkeley Community Gardening Collaborative
Berkeley Community Media
Berkeley Copwatch
Berkeley Daily Planet
Berkeley Federation of Teachers
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
Berkeley Food Network
Berkeley Food Pantry
Berkeley Free Clinic
Berkeley Friends on Wheels
Berkeley Information Network
Berkeley Partners for Parks
Berkeley Path Wanderers Association
Berkeley People's Alliance
Berkeley Student Food Collective
Berkeley Youth Alternatives
Borneo Project, The
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency
Bureau of Public Secrets
California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform
California Indian Environmental Alliance
California Straw Building Association
California Trade Justice Coalition
Center for Accessible Technology
Center for Ecoliteracy
Center for Independent Living (Berkeley)
Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry
Consider The Homeless
David Brower Center
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
Dorothy Day House
Earth Island Institute
East Bay Community Law Center
East Bay Pesticide Alert
East Bay Sanctuary Covenant
Ecology Center
Edible East Bay
Edible Schoolyard Berkeley
Edible Schoolyard Project
Environmentalists Against War
Ethical Traveler
Factory Farming Awareness Coalition
Forests Forever
Freedom Archives, The
Friends of Alemany Farm
Friends of Five Creeks
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Grassroots House Collective
Greater Good Magazine
Green Science Policy Institute
Green-Collar Communities Clinic
Haiti Action Committee
Health Initiative of the Americas
Hesperian Health Guides
Hills Conservation Network
Homeless Action Center
Impact Fund, The
Insight Housing
International Institute of Bengal and Himalayan Basins
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
Jewish Voice for Peace
KIDS for the BAY
La Pena Cultural Center
Long Haul Infoshop
Middle East Children's Alliance
Minkler, Doug
Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project
Multicultural Institute
Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture
NorCal Resilience Network
North Atlantic Books
Northern California Land Trust
People's Park Committee
People's Park Historic District Advocacy Group
Pesticide Action Network North America
Priority Africa Network
Prisoners Literature Project
REACH Shirati
Renters' Legal Assistance
Resources for Community Development
Restore Hetch Hetchy
Revolution Books
San Carlos Foundation
Satellite Affordable Housing Associates
Seva Foundation
Snitow-Kaufman Productions
Spiral Gardens Community Food Security Project
Story of Stuff, The
Student Environmental Resource Center
Sustainable Agriculture Education
UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
UC Berkeley Public Service Center
University Professional and Technical Employees
Urban Adamah
Urban Displacement Project
War Tax Resistance, Northern California
Western Institute for Social Research
What If? Foundation
Women's Cancer Resource Center
Women's Daytime Drop-In Center
Women's Earth Alliance
Youth Spirit Artworks

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