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people of color

See also       affirmative action       African Americans       Arabs       Asian Americans       Chicanas / Chicanos       demographics       Latinas / Latinos       multiculturalism       racism

Anti Police-Terror Project
Bay Rising (San Francisco)
Bayview Hunter's Point Center for Arts & Technology (San Francisco)
Black Lives Matter
Buddhist Peace Fellowship (Berkeley)
Californians for Justice (Oakland office) (Oakland)
Causa Justa :: Just Cause (Oakland)
Center for Community Change
Center for Constitutional Rights
Center for Creative Land Recyling
Center for Political Education (San Francisco)
Center for Third World Organizing (Oakland)
Communities for a Better Environment (Richmond)
Cooperation Richmond (Richmond)
Critical Resistance (Oakland)
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (Oakland)
FIRM Action
Foundation for a College Education (Palo Alto)
Grassroots Global Justice
Greenlining Institute (Oakland)
It Takes Roots
Justice Reinvestment Coalition of Alameda County (Oakland)
La Cocina (San Francisco)
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (San Francisco)
Mujeres Unidas y Activas (San Francisco office) (San Francisco)
Museum of the African Diaspora (San Francisco)
National Compadres Network (San Jose)
Oakland Rising (Oakland)
People Organized to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights (San Francisco)
PowerPAC (San Francisco)
Rose Foundation (Oakland)
San Francisco Community Health Center (San Francisco)
San Francisco Rising
South of Market Community Action Network (San Francisco)
Southern Center for Human Rights
Urban Habitat (Oakland)
Women's Centers, Inc. / Women's Building, San Francisco (San Francisco)
Youth United for Community Action (East Palo Alto)
Youth Vs. Apocalypse (Oakland)

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