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PFAS Miscellany

PFAS through 2019

webEnvironmental Working Group2019-02-07
webXiaoZhi LimNature2019-02-13
webKatarzyna Sznajder-Katarzynska...Journal of Chemistry2019-01-01
webKatarzyna Sznajder-Katarzynska...Journal of Chemistry2019-01-01
webRyan W. MillerUSA TODAY2019-01-10
webKatherine E. Boronow, Julia Gr...Journal of Exposure Science & ...2019-01-01
webLauren Richter, Alissa CordnerSoc Stud Sci2018-09-20
webRachel Smilan-GoldsteinEnvironmental Working Group2018-06-19
webBegley TH, Hsu WFood Addit Contam2008-03-01
webAnnie SniderPolitico2018-05-14
webGang Liu, Klodian DhanaPLOS Medicine2018-02-13
webGang Liu, Klodian DhanaPLOS Medicine2018-02-13
webBrian BienkowskiEnvironmental Health News2015-05-01