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PFAS Miscellany

PFAS 2020 through 2023

webCassidy MorrisonDaily Mail2023-10-24
webMaaike van Gerwen, Elena Colic...The Lancet2023-10-24
webTom PerkinsThe Guardian2023-06-07
webNadia Gaber, Lisa BeroAnnals of Global Health2023-06-01
webCristen Hemingway JaynesEcoWatch2023-06-07
webVictoria St. MartinInside Climate News2023-06-27
webOlivia RosaneEcoWatch2022-10-07
webEHN StaffEnvironmental Health News2022-07-07
webMaya E. Morales-McDevitt, Jitk...Environ Sci Technol Lett2021-08-31
webSharon LernerThe Intercept2021-04-14
webKenny StancilCommon Dreams2021-03-25
webRebecca TragerChemistry World2021-01-12
webPhilippe Grandjean, Clara Amal...PLOS One2020-12-31
webSharon LernerThe Intercept2020-12-07
webSharon LernerThe Intercept2020-12-02
webJuliane Gluge, Martin Schering...Environmental Science: Process...2020-09-23