See also brownfields building materials chemical weapons ecology electromagnetic radiation environmental justice health lead poisoning multiple chemical sensitivity nuclear energy pesticides petroleum plastic waste external links for toxics
As You Sow (Berkeley)
Beyond Pesticides
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (San Francisco)
California Indian Environmental Alliance (Berkeley)
Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry
Center for Creative Land Recyling
Center for Health, Environment and Justice
Center for Public Environmental Oversight (Mountain View)
Citizens for Balanced Growth (Livermore)
Communities for a Better Environment (Richmond office) (Richmond)
East Bay Pesticide Alert (Berkeley)
Ecological Building Network (San Rafael)
Environmental Law Foundation (Oakland)
Green Science Policy Institute (Berkeley)
Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice (San Francisco)
International Campaign for Justice In Bhopal
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Organic Consumers Association
People Organized to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights (San Francisco)
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Richmond Shoreline Alliance
San Francisco Environment Department (San Francisco)
Sunflower Alliance
Urban Habitat (Oakland)
Worksafe, Inc. (Oakland)