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support groups

See also       addiction       caregiver support       community-building       discussion groups       mental health

1000 Mothers to Prevent Violence
2-1-1 Bay Area
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Program
Asexuality Visibility and Education Network
Bay Area Friends of Tibet (San Francisco)
Bay Area Women Against Rape (Oakland)
Billy DeFrank LGBTQ Community Center (San Jose)
East Bay Agency for Children (Oakland)
Family Violence Law Center (Oakland)
Journey Free - Recovery from Harmful Religion
Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center (San Francisco)
LGBTQ Youth Space
Little People of America
National Organization of Restoring Men
Older Women's League (San Francisco)
Our Family Coalition (San Francisco)
Pets Are Wonderful Support (San Francisco)
PFLAG Oakland/East Bay (Oakland)
Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa County (Concord)
San Francisco Women Against Rape (San Francisco)
Shanti Project (San Francisco)
STAND! For Families Free of Violence (Concord)
Support for Families of Children with Disabilities (San Francisco)
Survivors International (San Francisco)
War Tax Resistance, Northern California (Berkeley)
Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases (Oakland)
Women's Cancer Resource Center (Berkeley)

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