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See also       air       automobiles       biodiesel       carpools       ecology       electric scooters       fossil fuels       global warming       noise pollution       telecommuting       waste       water        external links for pollution

Build It Green (Oakland)
Center for Creative Land Recyling
Citizens for Balanced Growth (Livermore)
Clean Water Action (California office) (Oakland)
Climate Center, The (Santa Rosa)
Climate Justice Alliance
Communities for a Better Environment (Richmond)
Cool Effect Inc. (Greenbrae)
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Earth Island Institute (Berkeley)
Environment America Research & Policy Center
Environmental Integrity Project
Fossil Free Berkeley
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (Berkeley)
Global Justice Ecology Project
Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice (San Francisco)
Save the Bay (Oakland)
Story of Stuff, The (Berkeley)
Sunflower Alliance
Surfrider Foundation
Urban Habitat (Oakland)
West Berkeley Alliance for Clean Air and Safe Jobs

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