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See also       child labor       corporate-controlled globalization       economics       employment       hotels       labor councils       labor union locals       living wage       occupational safety and health       offshoring jobs       picketing       sex work       slavery       strikes       sweatshops       temp work       tenure       whistleblowing        external links for labor

Asian Immigrant Women Advocates (Oakland)
Bay Area Labor Heritage Rockin' Solidarity Chorus
Berkeley People's Alliance (Berkeley)
Breaking the Chains
California Labor Federation (Bay Area office) (Oakland)
California Newsreel (San Francisco)
California Nurses Association / National Nurses Organizing Committee
California Trade Justice Coalition (Berkeley)
Californians for Pesticide Reform
Center for Farmworker Families
Center for Political Education (San Francisco)
Climate Justice Alliance
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (San Francisco)
Cooperation Richmond (Richmond)
Democracy at Work Institute (San Francisco)
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (Oakland)
Food Chain Workers Alliance
Friends of the MST
Grassroots Economic Organizing
HEAL Food Alliance
Independent Arts & Media (San Francisco)
Industrial Workers of the World
Instituto Laboral de La Raza (San Francisco)
International Labor Organization
International Labor Rights Fund
Jobs with Justice
Labor Archives and Research Center (San Francisco)
Labor Notes
Labor Rise Climate Jobs Action Group
Labor Video Project (San Francisco)
Left Turn
Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project (Berkeley)
National Committee on Pay Equity
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (Oakland)
Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives (Oakland)
Pride At Work
Prospera (Oakland)
Reel Work Labor Film Festival (Santa Cruz)
Sex Worker's Education Network (San Francisco)
Sex Workers Outreach Project USA
Silicon Valley Rising (San Jose)
Socialist Action
Socialist Viewpoint (San Francisco)
Speak Out Now / Revolutionary Workers Group
Sunflower Alliance
System Change Not Climate Change
Teamsters for a Democratic Union
Tech Workers Coalition
Trabajadores Unidos Workers United (San Francisco)
United Farm Workers of America AFL-CIO
United Students Against Sweatshops
US Food Sovereignty Alliance
US Labor Education in the Americas Project
Vukani Mawethu
Workers World Party
Working Partnerships USA (San Jose)
Worksafe, Inc. (Oakland)

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