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healthcare access

See also       health       human rights       long-term care       medical marijuana       nursing homes       physician-assisted suicide       reproductive rights       single payer health care        external links for healthcare access

2-1-1 Bay Area
Abortion Clinics OnLine
Afghan Women's Mission
Americans for Safe Access
Bay Area Legal Aid (Oakland)
Berkeley Free Clinic (Berkeley)
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (San Francisco)
Burma Humanitarian Mission
California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (Berkeley)
California Physicians Alliance
California Prison Focus (Oakland)
Charlotte Maxwell Clinic, The (Oakland)
Child Family Health International (El Cerrito)
Children's Defense Fund - California
Clinic by the Bay (San Francisco)
Commonwealth Fund, The
Compassion & Choices
Death with Dignity National Center
Exhale Pro-Voice (San Francisco)
Foundation Aiding The Elderly
GLIDE (San Francisco)
Gray Panthers, San Francisco
Green Aid: The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. (Oakland)
Health Access California (Oakland office) (Oakland)
Health Care for All California (Novato)
Health Initiative of the Americas (Berkeley)
Hesperian Health Guides (Berkeley)
Homeless Action Center (Berkeley)
Humanist Mutual Aid Network (Canyon)
Keep Alta Bates Open
Koret Family House (San Francisco)
Lyon-Martin Health Services (San Francisco)
Older Women's League (San Francisco)
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Planned Parenthood Northern California
Population Services International
Priority Africa Network (Berkeley)
Rafiki Coalition for Health and Wellness (San Francisco)
Saint Anthony Foundation (San Francisco)
Samaritan House (San Mateo)
San Carlos Foundation (Berkeley)
San Francisco SPCA (San Francisco)
San Mateo County Democracy for America
San Mateo County Edison STD Clinic (San Mateo)
Shanti Project (San Francisco)
Terma Foundation (Half Moon Bay)
Western Center on Law and Poverty (Oakland office) (Oakland)
Women's Economic Agenda Project (Oakland)
Working Partnerships USA (San Jose)

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