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48 Hills
Against the Grain
Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network
Alternative Radio
Big Livestock’s Big Greenwash
Center for Economic and Policy Research
Center for Political Education (San Francisco)
Center for Popular Economics
Center for Public Integrity
Center for Story-based Strategy (Oakland)
Center for Sustainable Economy
ChangeLab Solutions (Oakland)
ColorLines Magazine
Corporate Watch
CorpWatch (Berkeley)
Dollars and Sense
Economic Policy Institute
Environmental Working Group
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
FOCUS on the Global South
Global Forest Watch
Heinberg, Richard
IBON Foundation, Inc.
In These Times
Institute for Public Accuracy (Oakland)
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
Intercept, The
International Food Policy Research Institute
Making Contact (Oakland)
Marin Conservation League (San Rafael)
Media Matters for America
Metaphor Project, The (Orinda)
Michael Parenti Political Archive
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (Oakland)
Noam Chomsky Archive
Oakland Institute (Oakland)
Oil & Gas Watch
Partnership for Policy Integrity
Political Research Associates
PowerPAC (San Francisco)
Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation (Oakland)
Research Unit for Political Economy
Resource Renewal Institute (Fairfax)
Revolution Books (Berkeley)
San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (San Francisco)
Socialist Viewpoint (San Francisco)
Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Terner Center for Housing Innovation (Oakland)
Tikkun Magazine
Toward Freedom
Trabajadores Unidos Workers United (San Francisco)
Union for Radical Political Economics
Violence Policy Center
Waging Nonviolence
Working Partnerships USA (San Jose)
World Socialist Web Site

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