Organizations Beginning with "S"

... in A San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory.
Click on an organization to go to the directory entry for it.

Safe Return Project
Saint Anthony Foundation (San Francisco)
Samaritan House (San Mateo)
San Bruno Mountain Watch (Brisbane)
San Carlos Foundation (Berkeley)
San Franciscans for Police Accountability
San Francisco AIDS Foundation (San Francisco)
San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition (San Francisco)
San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (San Francisco)
San Francisco Bay Area Wheelchair Accessible Trails
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory (Milpitas)
San Francisco Bay View (San Francisco)
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition (San Francisco)
San Francisco Bike Party
San Francisco Black Film Festival
San Francisco Community Health Center (San Francisco)
San Francisco Community Land Trust (San Francisco)
San Francisco Conservation Corps (San Francisco)
San Francisco Environment Department (San Francisco)
San Francisco Estuary Partnership (San Francisco)
San Francisco Forest Alliance (San Francisco)
San Francisco Freecycle Network
San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network (San Francisco)
San Francisco Immigrant Legal Defense Collaborative (San Francisco)
San Francisco League of Pissed Off Voters
San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center (San Francisco)
San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration Committee (San Francisco)
San Francisco Living Wage Coalition (San Francisco)
San Francisco Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (San Francisco)
San Francisco Mime Troupe (San Francisco)
San Francisco Parks Alliance (San Francisco)
San Francisco Permaculture Guild
San Francisco Pride Band (San Francisco)
San Francisco Public Bank Coalition
San Francisco Public Bank Coalition
San Francisco Rapid Response Network
San Francisco Rescued Orphan Mammal Program
San Francisco Rising
San Francisco Senior and Disability Action (San Francisco)
San Francisco SPCA (San Francisco)
San Francisco Tenants Union (San Francisco)
San Francisco Tomorrow (San Francisco)
San Francisco Vegan Society (San Francisco)
San Francisco Women Against Rape (San Francisco)
San Francisco-Marin Food Bank (San Francisco)
San Jose Bike Party
San Jose Peace & Justice Center, a project of Collins Foundation (San Jose)
San Mateo County Democracy for America
San Mateo County Edison STD Clinic (San Mateo)
San Pablo Watershed Neighbors Education & Restoration Society (Richmond)
Satellite Affordable Housing Associates (Berkeley)
Save Knowland Park Coalition
Save Mount Diablo (Walnut Creek)
Save Mount Sutro Forest
Save Nubia Project (Oakland)
Save the Bay (Oakland)
Save the Berkeley Post Office
SaveNature.Org (San Francisco)
School of the Americas Watch
Scientist Rebellion
Sea Shepherd International
Sea Turtle Restoration Project (Forest Knolls)
Seacology (Berkeley)
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley (San Jose)
Seed the Commons
SEEDS Community Resolution Center (Oakland)
Self-Help Hunger Program
Sempervirens Fund (Los Altos)
Seneca Family of Agencies (Oakland)
Seva Foundation (Berkeley)
Seven Stories Press
Sex Worker's Education Network (San Francisco)
Sex Workers Outreach Project USA
Sex, Gender, and Relationships Hotline
SF Urban Riders (San Francisco)
Shanti Project (San Francisco)
ShelterOak (Oakland)
Showing Up for Racial Justice, Bay Area
Shut it down for Palestine
Sidewalk Bubblegum
Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter (Palo Alto)
Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (San Jose)
Silicon Valley Climate Action Now! (Palo Alto)
Silicon Valley De-Bug (San Jose)
Silicon Valley Democratic Socialists of America
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (San Jose)
Silicon Valley Public Access Link (San Jose)
Silicon Valley Rising (San Jose)
Silicon Valley Transit Users (Mountain View)
Simpler Way, The
Singer, Andy
Single Payer Now
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc., The (San Francisco)
Slide Ranch (Muir Beach)
Slingshot (Berkeley)
Small House Society
Snitow-Kaufman Productions (Berkeley)
Social Justice Center of Marin (San Anselmo)
Socialist Action
Socialist Alternative
Socialist Viewpoint (San Francisco)
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Alameda District Council (Oakland)
Sogorea Te’ Land Trust (Oakland)
Solano Community Foundation (Fairfield)
Solano Land Trust (Vacaville)
Solidarity Collective
Sonoma Clean Power (Santa Rosa)
Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition (Santa Rosa)
Sonoma County Conservation Action (Santa Rosa)
Sonoma County Conservation Council (Santa Rosa)
Sonoma County for Palestine
Sonoma Ecology Center (Eldridge)
Sonoma Land Trust (Santa Rosa)
Soul Flower Farm
South Asian Americans Leading Together
South Bay Progressive Alliance (San Jose)
South Bay Song Circle
South of Market Community Action Network (San Francisco)
Southern Center for Human Rights
Southern Exposure (San Francisco)
Southern Poverty Law Center
Speak Out - Institute for Democratic Education and Culture (Oakland)
Speak Out Now / Revolutionary Workers Group
Spiral Gardens Community Food Security Project (Berkeley)
Spokeland (Oakland)
STAND! For Families Free of Violence (Concord) (San Francisco office) (San Francisco)
Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Stop AI
StopWaste.Org (Oakland)
Story of Stuff, The (Berkeley)
StoryCenter (Berkeley)
Streetsblog SF
Student Environmental Resource Center (Berkeley)
Students for a Free Tibet
Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Success Centers (San Francisco)
Sudo Room (Oakland)
Sunflower Alliance
Sunrise Bay Area
SunWork Renewable Energy Projects (Milpitas)
Support for Families of Children with Disabilities (San Francisco)
Surface Transportation Policy Partnership
Surfrider Foundation
Survival International USA (San Francisco)
Survivors International (San Francisco)
Susan Ives Communications
Sustainable Agriculture Education (Berkeley)
Sustainable City
Sustainable Economies Law Center (Oakland)
Sustainable San Mateo County (San Mateo)
Swing Left San Francisco
Swords to Plowshares (San Francisco)
System Change Not Climate Change

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