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Silicon Valley Climate Action Now! (SV-CAN!)

Address   265 Cambridge Avenew #60723
          Palo Alto, CA  94306
Voice     (650) 383-8286

We’re a nonviolent direct action climate justice group. We’re consensus-driven & open to everyone. We both lead actions & join actions led by our allies.

Money is the oxygen on which the fire of global warming burns. Mega-banks play a pivotal role in funding the climate crisis by providing loans to fossil fuel companies. We believe that if we can stop the flow of money, then we can stop the flow of oil. Our actions target two of the worst offenders, “Oily Wells” Fargo, because its global headquarters is in our backyard (San Francisco) and more recently, JPMorgan Chase, one focus of the nationwide Stop the Money Pipeline campaign.

Our direct actions disrupt business as usual for corporate enablers of the fossil-fuel industry.

Index Keys
banks       climate change       corporations       direct action       fossil fuels       nonviolence       petroleum       Santa Clara County

This entry's contact information was last verified in February of 2025.

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