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Berkeley Federation of Teachers (AFT Local #1078, AFL-CIO)

Address   1432 University Avenue
          Berkeley, CA  94702-1509
Voice     (510) 549-2307

The BFT is made up of 900 teachers (K-12, Adult School, and Child Development), counselors, substitutes, school psychologists, Adaptive PE teachers, librarians and speech pathologists serving Berkeley public school students.

Founded in 1950, the BFT works vigorously to improve working conditions for its members, and learning conditions for students. We believe that a strong union is good for the community, and for its children. Research continues to show that teacher quality is the most important factor in student achievement. The BFT strives to create working conditions that will attract and retain excellent teachers in Berkeley.

Index Keys
labor union locals       public education

This entry's contact information was last verified in September of 2023.

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