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Meat Ecology Problems

Meat Ecology Problems by Date

webAngely MercadoPopular Science2021-11-13
webDamian CarringtonThe Guardian2020-06-19
webAndrea GermanosCommon Dreams2020-04-30
webAnnette McGivneyThe Guardian2020-02-04
webDamian CarringtonThe Guardian2019-10-28
webWalter Willett, Johan Rockstro...The Lancet2019-01-16
webOliver MilmanThe Guardian2018-12-21
webHelen HarwattClimate Policy2018-11-26
webEmma BryceAnthropocene2018-10-26
webMarcello RossiUndark2018-07-30
webJonathan WattsThe Guardian2018-03-26
webJames HamblinThe Atlantic2017-08-02
webSarah KnaptonThe Telegraph2017-07-12
webSharon Anglin Treat and Shefal...IATP2016-07-11
webJanet Ranganathan, Daniel Venn...World Resources Institute2016-04-01
webKarl-Heinz Erb, Christian LaukNature Communications2016-04-19
webMarco Springmann, H. Charles J...PNAS2016-02-09
webKitti Sranacharoenpong, Samuel...Public Health Nutr2015-08-01
webHarold J Marlow, Helen HarwattPublic Health Nutr2015-09-01
webDavid Tilman, Michael ClarkNature2014-11-27
webMatt McGrathBBC2014-07-21
webPeter Scarborough, Paul N. App...Climatic Change2014-06-11
webMasset G, Soler LGJ Acad Nutr Diet2014-04-04
webCarol SmithUnited Nations University2014-11-15
webMeier T, Christen OEnviron Sci Technol2012-12-17
webArnold Tukked, R. Alexandra Go...Ecological Economics2011-06-09
webBob HolmesNew Scientist2010-07-14
webCapon AG, Rissel CEN S W Public Health Bull2010-05-01
webJohn PowlesInternational Journal of Epide...2009-08-01
webElke Stehfest, Lex BouwmanClimatic Change2009-02-04
webAndrew W Joyce, Sarah DixonEnviron Health Insights2008-09-15
webBaroni L, Cenci LEur J Clin Nutr2006-10-11
webCenter for Science in the Publ...2006-07-01
webUN Food and Agriculture Organi...2006-01-01
webGidon Eshel and Pamela A. Mart...Earth Interactions2005-12-12
webDavid Pimentel and Marcia Pime...Am J Clin Nutr2003-09-01