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Meat Ecology Problems Miscellany

Meat Ecology Problems 2016 through 2018

Subtopics and Documents:
webOliver MilmanThe Guardian2018-12-21
webHelen HarwattClimate Policy2018-11-26
webEmma BryceAnthropocene2018-10-26
webInternational Institute for Ap...2018-10-23
webMarcello RossiUndark2018-07-30
webJ. Poore, T. NemecekScience2018-06-01
webDamian CarringtonThe Guardian2018-05-31
webGeorgina GustinInside Climate News2018-05-31
webSusan MiliusScience News2018-06-06
webJonathan WattsThe Guardian2018-03-26
webJames HamblinThe Atlantic2017-08-02
webHelen Harwatt, Joan SabateClimate Change2017-05-11
webSarah KnaptonThe Telegraph2017-07-12
webHelen Harwatt, Joan Sabate2017-05-11
webSharon Anglin Treat and Shefal...IATP2016-07-11
webJanet Ranganathan, Daniel Venn...World Resources Institute2016-04-01
webKarl-Heinz Erb, Christian LaukNature Communications2016-04-19
webMarco Springmann, H. Charles J...PNAS2016-02-09