See also counties
Bay Area Barns and Trails (Mill Valley)
Canal Alliance (San Rafael)
Conservation Corps North Bay (Novato)
Cool Effect Inc. (Greenbrae)
Gallinas Watershed Council (San Rafael)
In Defense of Animals (San Rafael)
Legal Aid of Marin (San Rafael)
Marin City Community Development Corporation (Marin City)
Marin Conservation League (San Rafael)
Marin County Bicycle Coalition (Fairfax)
Marin Open Space Trust (San Rafael)
Marin Treatment Center (San Rafael)
Marin Vegetarian Education Group (Fairfax)
Marine Mammal Center, The (Sausalito)
MarinLink (San Rafael)
Pathways to Peace
Renew Computers (San Rafael)
Slide Ranch (Muir Beach)
Social Justice Center of Marin (San Anselmo)
Task Force on the Americas (Larkspur)
Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma (Petaluma)
Vivalon (San Rafael)
WildCare (San Rafael)
YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley (San Jose)
YWCA of San Francisco & Marin (Marin office) (San Rafael)