A San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory

An index to about 1200 organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area that are related to progressive activism and/or helping out disadvantaged people, plus links to related web sites elsewhere.

Find Particular Organizations
Organizations by Index Keyword Jump to the list of all 600 index keywords or to one of the following main keywords:

community-building     creativity     demographics     direct action     ecology     economics     education     government     health     issues     labor     law     media     peace     places     socioeconomic models     technology
Organizations by Name Jump to a list of organizations whose names begin with a particular letter (or numeral):
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Organizations by City Find the organizations that live in a particular Bay Area city.

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Plain Text Report The whole directory as plain text.
Machine-readable file Tab-delimited data for importing the directory into a general database program.

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Also see CheeLinks for an extensive network of links to selected web pages on crucial topics.