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Wholly H2O - Mainstreaming Water (Re)Use

Address   339 15th Street, 2nd Floor
          Oakland, CA  94612
Voice     (510) 323-5966

Catalyzes dynamic, informed connections between people and their watersheds that yield proactive and appropriate water management through conservation and reuse.

Our watershed-positive educational programs engage Californians in community and citizen science, art, and green infrastructure education.

We collaborate with nonprofits, governmental and water agencies, businesses, artists, and individual water users to:

Cultivate citizen scientists who can understand their watersheds and take personal responsibility for their water use.
Create interactive educational art, science, and Maker programs and events.
Provide hands-on training in water harvesting.
Support water-wise businesses and policies.

Index Keys
art       conservation       policy       reuse       science       water

This entry's contact information was last verified in September of 2020.

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