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Jewish Vocational Service (JVS)

Address   225 Bush Street (West entrance), Suite 400
          San Francisco, CA  94104
Voice     (415) 391-3600
Fax       (415) 391-3617

JVS was founded in 1973 to aid recent Jewish college graduates who were having trouble finding work. In the 1980s and 1990s, we expanded to meet the needs of both the huge influx of refugees from the former Soviet Union, and the workers who had been displaced during turbulent economic times.

Over the years the agency has become a respected leader in the workforce development community. We have been recognized both locally and nationally for our work in sector-based employment and training services, and our outstanding network of employer partners encompassing all sectors of the local economy.

Today, JVS is here for anyone who needs help finding a job. Our training programs build the skills our clients need to succeed in the workforce, and our one-on-one job search assistance is specifically tailored to meet the needs of our clients.

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This entry's contact information was last verified in February of 2014.

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