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Center for Independence of the Disabled (CID)

Address   2001 Winward Way, Suite 103
          San Mateo, CA  94404
Voice     (650) 645-1780
          (650) 522-9313 (TTY)
Fax       (650) 645-1785

A private, nonprofit corporation located in San Mateo, California. Incorporated in 1979, CID is a consumer-driven, community-based, services and advocacy organization serving San Mateo County and beyond. By federal mandate, the majority of our Staff, Management, and Board of Directors consists of people with disabilities.

Annually, CID provides direct and indirect services to more than 2,000 individuals with disabilities.

Index Keys
disabilities       San Mateo County       self-determination

This entry's contact information was last verified in December of 2023.

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