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Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS)

Address   2334 Bowditch Street (between Durant and Haste)
          Berkeley, CA  94720-2312
Voice     (510) 642-2088
Fax       (510) 642-3260

Mission is to inspire new ideas and research by bringing together academics, artists, decision-makers and entrepreneurs from Latin America, the United States, and the world at the University of California, Berkeley, by:

hosting public events with leading scholars, policymakers, artists, entrepreneurs, and social leaders from across the Americas;
supporting Berkeley faculty and student research;
bringing information about Latin America to a wider audience through our website and publications;
building a community among Latin Americanist scholars, researchers, students and practitioners.

Index Keys
Latin America       public education       researchers

This entry's contact information was last verified in August of 2020.

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