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Bradley Manning Support Network


An ad hoc, international grassroots effort to help accused whistle blower Pfc. Bradley Manning. We are working to:

* Harness the outrage felt by millions of viewers of the “Collateral Murder” video into a coordinated effort in defense of Manning
* Raise awareness about the recent arrest and charges against Manning
* Coordinate the activities of nonprofits and individual activists working internationally to support Manning
* Collect funds necessary to ensure high-quality legal counsel necessary for a vigorous defense
* Provide supporters with accurate, updated information as the trial progresses
* Provide prisoner support for Manning throughout his imprisonment

We are an autonomous network of supporters with no official ties to political parties. We are not associated with Wikileaks and we are not a division of any larger nonprofit entity.

Index Keys
judiciation       militarism       solidarity       whistleblowing

This entry's contact information was last verified in November of 2010.

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