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Plant-Based Diet Diet Reduces Degenerative Disease Miscellany

Vegan Diet Reduces Degenerative Disease 2010 through 2018

Subtopics and Documents:
webMitsuro Chiba, Kunio NakanePerm J2018-01-01
webChelsea M Clinton, Shanley O'B...Arthritis2015-02-28
webPhillip J Tuso, MD; Mohamed H ...Perm J2013-04-01
webFrancesca L Crowe, Paul N Appl...BMJ2011-07-19
webLin J, Fung TT, Hu FB, Curhan ...Am J Kidney Dis2011-02-01
webNico S. Rizzo, PHD,1,2 Joan Sa...Diabetes Care2011-04-20
webNanci HellmichUSA Today2010-09-06
webMitsuro Chiba, Toru AbeWorld J Gastroenterol2010-05-28
webDeriemaeker P, Aerenhouts DPlant Foods Hum Nutr2010-03-01