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Vegan Diet for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Miscellany

Vegan Diet for Cardiovascular Disease through 2012

webA.G. Shaper, M.B. Cape Town, M...International Journal of Epide...2012-10-01
webHuang T, Yang B, Zheng JAnn Nutr Metab2012-06-01
webRichard J Bloomer, Mohammad M ...Lipids in Health and Disease2010-09-03
webBrighid O'NeillBioscience Horizons2010-05-19
webFontana L, Meyer TERejuvenation Res2007-06-01
webLin CL, Fang TCAtherosclerosis2001-09-01
webTimothy J Key, Gary E FraserAmerican Journal of Clinical N...1999-09-01
webMiller ER 3rd, Appel LJCirculation1998-12-01
webde Lorgeril M, Renaud SLancet1994-06-11