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| web | Wolf Richter | Wolf Street | 2024-06-23 |
| web | Damir Tokic | Seeking Alpha | 2024-05-20 |
| web | Courtenay Brown | Axios | 2024-02-07 |
| web | Hanna Ziady and Tami Luhby | CNN | 2024-01-03 |
| web | Rick Newman | Yahoo Finance | 2023-10-30 |
| web | Hanna Duggal | Al Jazeera | 2023-05-31 |
| web | Steven Pressman | The Conversation | 2023-01-13 |
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| web | Cornelius Christian | Kitco News | 2022-09-16 |
| web | David Morgan and Makini Brice | Reuters | 2021-10-01 |
| web | Jillian Berman | MarketWatch | 2021-07-31 |
| web | Bradley Keoun | The Street | 2019-05-02 |
| web | Nicole Rojas | Newsweek | 2018-03-21 |
| web | Heather Long | Washington Post | 2018-02-03 |
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| web | Tom Raum | Associated Press | 2009-07-03 |
| web | | BBC | 2008-10-01 |
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| web | Elizabeth Becker and Edmund L.... | New York Times | 2004-01-08 |
| web | Paul Krugman | New York Times | 2003-11-04 |