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Turmeric as Cancer Preventer Miscellany

Turmeric as Cancer Preventer 2009 to Now

webAggarwal BB, Yuan WMol Nutr Food Res2013-07-12
webAggarwal BB, Gupta SC, Sung BBr J Pharmacol2013-08-01
webPark W, Amin ARCancer Prev Res (Phila)2013-03-06
webSimone Reuter, Subash CGenes Nutr2011-04-24
webGupta SC, Patchva SClin Exp Pharmacol Physiol2012-03-01
webGupta SC, Patchva SClin Exp Pharmacol Physiol2012-03-01
webKim JH, Gupta SCMol Nutr Food Res2011-12-07
webKim JH, Gupta SCMol Nutr Food Res2011-12-07
webRobert E. Carroll, Richard V. ...Cancer Prev Res2011-03-01
webHutchins-Wolfbrandt A, Mistry ...Asian Pac J Cancer Prev2011-01-01
webBiswas J, Sinha DHum Exp Toxicol2010-01-07
webWu SH, Hang LWAnticancer Res2010-06-01
webRavindran J, Prasad SAAPS J2009-09-01
webRavindran J, Prasad SAAPS J2009-09-01