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Mountain Snowpack Declining
Water Resources in the US West

Snowpack Declining in the Western USA

Subtopics and Documents:
webDOE Lawrence Berkeley National...YubaNet2023-06-29
webBenjamin SpillmanReno Gazette Journal2019-05-08
webXingying Huang, Alex D. Hall, ...Geophysical Research Letters
webPhilip W. Mote, Sihan Li, Denn...Climate and Atmospheric Scienc...2018-01-01
webAlan M. Rhoades, Paul A. Ullri...Climate Dynamics2017-03-24
webMoetasim Ashfaq, Subimal GhoshJournal of Geophysical Researc...2013-09-07
webDavid W. Pierce(1) and Daniel ...Journal of Climate2013-06-25