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Pesticides Linked with Parkinson's Disease

Pesticides Linked with Parkinson's Disease through 2013

webLiu X1, Ma T, Qu B, Ji YGenet Test Mol Biomarkers2013-08-29
webNarayan S, Liew ZInt J Epidemiol2013-09-20
webNarayan S, Liew ZInt J Epidemiol2013-09-20
webFreya KamelScience2013-08-16
webAllen MT, Levy LSCrit Rev Toxicol2013-07-01
webAnthony Weirehn WangUCLA2012-01-01
webAnthony Weirehn WangUCLA2012-01-01
webKanthasamy AG, Kitazawa MNeurotoxicology2005-08-01
webPark M, Ross GWNeurology2005-03-22