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Sperm Counts and Quality
Pesticides Harm Human Health

Pesticides Linked with Low Sperm Counts and Quality

webTom PerkinsThe Guardian2024-05-17
webClaudine Vasseur, Loïse SerraEcotoxicology and Environmenta...2024-05-01
webSandee LaMotteCNN2023-11-15
webLauren B. Ellis, Karen MolinaEnviron Health Perspect2023-11-15
webBrian BienkowskiEnvironmental Health News2015-11-04
webY.H. Chiu, M.C. AfeicheHuman Reproduction2015-03-30
webDouglas MainNewsweek2015-03-30
webMandy OaklanderTIME2015-03-30
webAmanda GardnerHealthDay2005-06-02
webAnway MD1, Cupp ASScience2005-06-03