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Exploitation of Farmworkers
Pesticides Harm Human Health
Environmental Justice

Pesticides are Detrimental to Farmworker Health

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webLindsey KonkelEnvironmental Health News2013-09-19
webAllen MT, Levy LSCrit Rev Toxicol2013-07-01
webVan Maele-Fabry G, Hoet PEnviron Int2013-04-09
webMostafalou S, Abdollahi MToxicol Appl Pharmacol2013-04-15
webMunoz-Quezada MT, Lucero BANeurotoxicology2013-10-09
webBouchard MF, Chevrier JEnviron Health Perspect2011-04-21
webWigle DT, Turner MCEnviron Health Perspect2009-05-19
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