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Peppermint Nutrition
Herbal Antispasmodics

Peppermint as Antispasmodic

Subtopics and Documents:
webDarren M. Brenner, MD, Tony Le...International Foundation for G...2021-05-25
webKhanna R, MacDonald JKJ Clin Gastroenterol2014-07-01
webMerat S, Khalili SDig Dis Sci2009-06-09
webCappello G, Spezzaferro MDig Liver Dis2007-04-08
webWalter P. Acu०aNutrition Bytes1999-01-01
webAmato A, Liotta REur J Pharmacol2014-07-18
webShavakhi A, Ardestani SKActa Gastroenterol Belg2012-09-01
webMarco ValussiInternational Journal of Food ...2012-03-01
webHiki N, Kurosaka HGastrointest Endosc2003-04-01
webAsao T, Kuwano HClin Radiol2003-04-01